Friday, October 26, 2012

Arrggg its a Mermaid

 I went to Ayiana's parent-teacher conference for the year this week and she is doing wonderful. Her teacher feels she is right where she should be, and she is getting a Citizenship award for the quarter, she got all "o"s= outstanding for all categories under work skills and social skills. She was so excited, and we are very proud of her! They do not do letter grades in first and half of second grade so no merit or honor roll yet, but she is beginning to read at a faster pace and is enjoying doing it on her own... we sat tonight, after much candy eating, listening from the living room her read to herself in her room. Such a nice sound to hear!

Liam had a doctors appointment this morning, his asthma is staying in check with maintenance medication still and his doctor has basically told me to watch for symptoms and adjust inhalers as needed, trying to stay at the lowest dosage possible without creating the need for more intervention (oral steroids) later on. Liam still dislikes doctors offices, today was a tough one! He started to get upset as I slipped his shoes off; he bit me! He's not done that one before, I just removed him and walked away, saying "That's not nice". The nurse was puzzled when I sternly said that to him, I told her what had happened she looked shocked! I guess I didn't let on to how hard he had done it (he didn't break skin but the muscle on my shoulder still hurts). After my stern tone and lack of sympathy for his plight he stayed compliant. Actually he smiled and laughed for the doctor, guess he figured he couldn't get anyone to rally his side, so he might as well go along with the program.

We debated for almost a full month rather to take the kids to Zoo Boo or not. But we decided that since Liam will be having his dental work (under full sedation) on Halloween morning we wanted to do something. That way even if he is not feeling up to it on Halloween night he still has an experience of dressing up and getting candy for the year. So we went to Zoo Boo, first time ever, it was very packed with people, which is a bit different then the Christmas Lights time. When we go during that time, it is usually a little more tranquil. The kids had fun though and of course had plenty of candy. Here are some pictures from tonight's events!

Thomas and Liam, we went out to dinner first, this was on the patio area there

The Mermaid and her Daddy!

My sea dwellers and there ship at the Zoo

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pumpkin Patch Fun

So it finally got colder here, Ayiana was excited to wear her new outfits to school, that she picked out her very self. She insisted on a picture in this one.

Liam had a great week in school. He showed off his newest skills for me on Thursday, he strung several foam pieces on a rope, everyone was impressed... such a big improvement in his fine motor skills! Mom was proud of him, he was proud too...

Saturday came, and it was a lazy kind of one. We ate lunch outside at my folks house, it was beautiful outside!

Neca, my moms cat, doesn't he suit Halloween well!

playing after lunch, bbq sauce still adorns his face!

Yep, it was a crazy hair type of Saturday, feet kicked up, totally nice!

Then last night, we went out to dinner with some friends for a birthday celebration. The kids did really well considering we where in a nicer place for over an hour and a-half. We played outside for a bit before getting in the car, this mall pipes out some good music in the outdoor area so the kids danced away under the mon light!

Every year our church goes to a pumpkin patch after one service in October, this afternoon was the day for that too. Here are the pictures from that, they each picked out a pumpkin, and walked through a corn-maze and a hunted train car.. then we rushed home so Thomas could go to sleep and get at least 6 hours in before work tonight. 

Our Pastor writing Ayiana's name on the pumpkin she picked out

Ayiana bringing on the kisses during her fun time

Liam hold the pumpkin he chose

Liam and I coming out of the haunted train car

Thomas and Liam coming out... yep we took three trips through, Liam loves trains
My Silly's, there where cut outs around. There is also a pretty neat shooting galory, Thomas did quite well,
me not-so-much :)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Short and Sweet

So this last week was filled with some of the usual calls, appointments, and school happenings... and very few other adventures. I consider that a winning week, we are all resting the weekend away. The few family members and friends who had been the hospital for the week are all out, and the only exciting thing for this week was Liam's school picture day! I kept my hopes on the lower side, because frankly getting a smiling photo with him looking at the camera is somewhat sparing... but we did it! The gal took 3 photos, the third he is smiling in. The photographer was worried because one of his hands is up, but he has it over his little heart and is smiling so sweetly. I told her that was far better than what I had expected and I am so excited to get his picture pack in a few weeks! Ayiana took her school pictures last week, so I should get them around the same time. With that I leave pictures of "Cheesy Ayiana" and my "Deer Liam."  These two wonderful kids of mine always give me something to smile about!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Seals of approval

Today after school we took the kiddos to the zoo, we hadn't been in some time even though we have an annual membership. Our zoo recently opened a new exhibit, called "Sea Lion Cove", so that was the first stop! The kids loved it, stayed there for quite some time. I had read in our magazine we get with membership,  that one of our sea lions loves coming up to the big under water window to visitors... I didn't realize that she literally comes up to greet you, she did for nearly every child that came up to it! Her name is Ariel, I think the kids really loved her too!

We went around to the elephants, Liam doesn't like to stay down low, he has a hard time looking through the bars, Thomas took this one of him and me

We went to the petting zoo, the goats are nice as usual, I tried to get the sheep to stand still.... haha, they DO NOT like attention!

We have a calf in the petting area, she had just had her bucket of milk... then she still wanted to suck on something, the keeper there put her fingers out and she sucked noisily on them, what a pacifier! Then I heard  another first... a Kangaroo sneezing haha!

We went around to sting ray bay, the kids love that too, but they just look, to afraid to actually touch. Ayiana actually pulls her hand up even if its in the water as they come by, its pretty funny to watch. 

Lastly we went to the Dino Dig area, the kids play on their own here, so Thomas and I sat for a few moments in peace :-)

Then we came home, a fun afternoon, with my beautiful family!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fall Weather

We finally are in our "normal" temperature range around here, I am so thankful! This last week, was actually pretty mellow for the McCarty household, another thing to be thankful for. Upcoming "big" events aren't until the end of October and through the holidays. Last Monday Liam wasn't feeling to well, he fell asleep before 11 in the morning, he usually NEVER takes a nap, so he didn't get to school that day.

He's never done that before so I took that as a message that he really needed the rest, then I figured out why (or at least I think). I began sneezing on Wednesday, thinking it was just allergies, I must have sneezed 50 times on Thursday and Friday, probably 100 on Saturday. My energy level was just gone, then today I woke up feeling much better and I haven't sneezed but maybe 20 times and Thomas is now the one sneezing with a stuffy nose.... so there's that, had a cold and didn't even realize it! Oh, well, still got what needed done this week done. That included taking Bella to the vet to update her shots, she is much like the kids, and wouldn't even look at the camera if shes stressed lol She shook like a leaf in the waiting area, but overall was such a well behaved girl... she more then deserved her cookie at the end of the visit.

Last night, Ayiana had a sleep over at my parents.... the past two times Liam hasn't cared so much. This time was different, he decided that we needed to have a sleep over at home too, he wanted in my bed! This is actually one of the only times I can remember that he wanted to sleep in bed next to me, most people want their kids to stay out of there beds but when you have one that doesn't cuddle to often you kinda jump at any chance, so I definitely ran with it! I also sang the song Ayiana sings to Liam every night. Yes, she has a "Go to Sleep Liam" song, I'll have to record it one day just so we have record of it because it is WAY cute and it is very much a part of his bedtime routine. In any case, he didn't get to actual sleep until much later than usual  (it took me a while to figure all of what he was wanting out, being that he doesn't talk) so, I knew today he would need a nap. Ayiana also stayed up past her usual time so she could use one as well... my solution, take a drive out in the country! It worked beautifully, Liam fell asleep I moved him from the car when we got home and he stayed asleep for a total of 2 1/2 hours. Ayiana watched a short movie when we got home then fell asleep next to me on the couch. YES, everyone got a nap in, success... HAPPY DANCE!  

ahhh... lazy Sunday drive in the country... relaxing!