This week officially kicked off our first full week of summer break, after Liam's HIDA scan on Monday we have actually been pretty free for the rest of the week. The nurse did call regarding the results and evidently I'm blind because they came back "normal"... she said doctor was out but will review them later and call me back. I mean not that I would ever want a surgery for my child but when something is clearly wrong and the medication he is on is helping in many ways, obviously something else is not quite right then. The rate they look at came at 37%, mind you 35% and lower is considered abnormal so we are not far off that mark either but I was surprised that the math came back that high, it did not look to me that anything that went into the gallbladder ever left... oh well now we wait for the doctor. We did get another call from the plastic surgery team for a consultation in July for Liam's Sub mucous Cleft, so we are moving on that now too. Why does it always seem that medical stuff clumps together? Okay I'll stop whining! Other then all Liam's medical hoopla Ayiana and I have been crafting like crazy. I had gone to Michael's on Tuesday to pick up some of Ayiana's birthday gifts and while there picked up two kits... they where $5 a piece and each made at least 10 crafts each, such a GOOD buy! Here is some of her creations:
The left has bead on plastic boards, I ironed them and they come off. We will probably make those into Christmas ornaments. The rectangle pictures are actually sand with lots of glitter, the computer screen does not do them justice. These we will add frames around and give as gifts. |

I also made shirts for our upcoming Disneyland trip, everyone has said to us that although it is really "touristy" to wear same colored shirts it is MUCH easier to find everyone in the group, so we have these shirts. Mickey on the front and a much bigger Goofy on the back:
Thomas joined Ayiana a few times per her request to craft with her, such a good Daddy! Nothing like creating a sword and shield out of beads with a beer next to it :) That still makes crafting manly right? hehe
Yesterday I took the kiddos to the Zoo, it was fun despite Liam absolutely melting down at the end because he could stay in Sting-ray-bay FOREVER if we let him! Here are a few from yesterday! My first little monkey!
and my second monkey looking and smiling watching another monkey swinging back-and-forth
Oh I almost forgot the funny from the zoo. I am a rather clumsy person, I frequently drop and break dishes and knock stuff over...yeah I don't go antique shopping much lol. Yesterday at the Elephant enclosure I had put my glasses inside the front of my blouse (you know one of the side pieces for the ear down the front and the rest out). Well I leaned over to take a picture of Liam and blop out came my glasses.... they landed on the front section of the enclosure, WAY out of my reach! Now I am normally not someone to care but
I actually splurged and bought a good pair this time...first time ever too...go figure. Sigh, I go to the front and let them cashiers know what happened and then a lovely zookeeper met me back at the enclosure glasses in hand. Good thing they didn't slide another 2 feet because they would have been down and crushed by our big grey friends.

We also had a visitor this week. This is Norton, he is my parents dog. He snorts all the time, so "Snorting Norton" is his nickname, he snores as well...good thing Ayiana didn't seem bothered by it, as he slept on her bed most of the nights! I think though, that our house was a bit busy for him. He usually sleeps all day while his parents are away. He was also rather confused each night when Thomas left for work, he eventually learned to follow Bella's lead, not following Ayiana or I all day long and resting. And I hear him snoring on the couch as I type lol. He will be going home tomorrow, I'm sure he will be glad!